Health Benefits of Goji berry

Health Benefits of Goji berry

Prevent diabetes

Diabetes has become one of the common diseases nowadays. Diabetes can lead to various diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, ocular disease and stroke. The recent studies shows that the fruit extracts of Goji berries contain hypoglycemic properties. It also reports that the use of Goji berries helps to prevent diabetes without any side effects.

Reduce cholesterol

Cholesterol is the main cause for cardiovascular disease and heart diseases. Cholesterol restricts the flow of blood by forming a plaque inside the arteries and blood vessels which makes the heart to pump with force which leads to weak heart. The recent studies show that Goji berries helps to lower the LDL cholesterol level.

Eliminates free radicals

The presence of antioxidants in Goji berries prevents the formation of free radicals in the body because it can damage cells, tissues, cell membranes as well as DNA. The study made on the research reports that the intake of Goji berries reduces the medical conditions associated to the free radicals. The antioxidant also enhances the immune system.

Protects cardiovascular system

When the free radicals attack the heart, it gets weaken. The antioxidant chemicals prevent the heart from the damage of free radicals. The recent studies have shown that the extracts of Goji berry eliminate the free radicals from the heart.

Healthy Body

Goji berry also provides a healthy body and general well-being. The study shows that the intake of Goji berries promote the gastrointestinal functions along with lowering fatigue and stress. It also enhances the psychological and neurological performance.

Prevents cell damage

Free radicals assault the body from inside and also damages the brain cells and neurons which is the cause for neurodegenerative diseases. This could be treated with the consumption of Goji berry. The extracts of Goji berry possess the neuroprotective activity. The research also reports it as a preventive medicine which also contains the anti-aging activities.

Protects liver

The liver gets damage in the process of preventing itself from free radicals and physical damages. Goji berry is used in Chinese medicine as the treatment for liver diseases. The Goji berry extracts eliminates the free radicals from the liver and possess the protective properties.

Protects skin

The Ultraviolet radiation leads damage to the skin as well as cancer which could be reduced by the consumption of Goji berries. The extract of Goji berry prevents the skin damage from UV rays. The studies show that Goji berries lowers the immune suppression and skin inflammation due to the presence of antioxidant properties. 

Promotes sleep

Goji berry is used in Chinese traditional medicine to reduce the stress and promote sleep. The research conducted on the human shows that Goji berry enhance the sleep without any side effects. 

Eye health

The presence of antioxidants in Goji berries improves the eyesight and prevents the free radicals that cause cataracts, loss of eyesight and other eye ailments.