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Hypertension : 5 façons de normaliser votre tension naturellement C'est aujourd'hui la Journée mondiale de l'hypertension artérielle, une affection qui touche 14 millions de personnes en France. L'occasion de découvrir quelques recettes naturelles qui permettent de normaliser la tension. Buvez du jus de betterave La betterave est un légume riche en nitrate, une substance chimique naturelle connue pour ses effets hypotenseurs. Un grand verre de 50 cl de jus de betterave peut aller jusqu'à faire baisser la tension de 5 points, grâce à son action sur les vaisseaux sanguins. L'occasion de tester notre recette de gaspacho aux betteraves et pruneaux. Exposez-vous...

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Prevent diabetes Diabetes has become one of the common diseases nowadays. Diabetes can lead to various diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, ocular disease and stroke. The recent studies shows that the fruit extracts of Goji berries contain hypoglycemic properties. It also reports that the use of Goji berries helps to prevent diabetes without any side effects. Reduce cholesterol Cholesterol is the main cause for cardiovascular disease and heart diseases. Cholesterol restricts the flow of blood by forming a plaque inside the arteries and blood vessels which makes the heart to pump with force which leads to weak...

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Prirodno liječenje proširenih vena Proširene vene se češće javljaju kod žena, a osobito su joj sklone osobe koje dugo sjede ili stoje, koje se nedovoljno kreću, kao i pretile osobe. Također, često se javlja kao posljedica hormonalnih promjena, nedostatka vitamina te kod žena tijekom trudnoće i menopauze. Najčešće su vrlo izražene i uočljive pa ih mnogi smatraju estetskim problemom. Iako, u nekim slučajevima one mogu biti i neprimjetne. Simptomi takvih “nevidljivih” proširenja vena su otjecanje nogu, težina u nogama, bol, svrbež, pečenje, grčevi. Bilo da je riječ o vidljivim ili neprimjetnim venama, važno ih je liječiti, jer ako se ne...

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Health Benefits of Beet Juice that you need know. Moreover, the Beet Juice contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. Then, check the benefits of Beet Juice for health. Like to know what the benefits of Beet Juice are? Know the properties of Beet Juice: main benefits, nutrients, vitamins and origin. The Beetroot is frequently added as an ingredient to soup, salads and pickles and are also used as a natural coloring agent. However, do you include Beet Juice in your daily diet? If you do, you may already be doing fantastic things for your body that you might not have even been aware. Beet have a rich...

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Health Benefits of Grape Juice that you need know. Moreover, the Grape Juice contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. Then, check the benefits of Grape Juice for health. Like to know what the benefits of Grape Juice are? Know the properties of Grape Juice: main benefits, nutrients, vitamins and origin. Grape Juice is a good source of vitamins B-6, C and thiamine, as well as manganese and potassium minerals. Its primary benefit, however, comes from flavonoids of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that combat harmful free radicals in your body that can damage cells and cause diseases. Grape Juice can be made of all kinds of grapes, but it is usually made from “Table grapes“....

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