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Although research is limited, some very important health benefits have been related with this unusual fruit. Let’s take a closer look at them.  Good for LDL cholesterol ‘Bad cholesterol’ or low-density lipoprotein can lead to a buildup of fatty, waxy deposits in your arteries and puts your heart at risk. Cardiovascular complications associated with high levels of LDL cholesterol include strokes and coronary heart diseases. However, the nutrients and fiber in rose apples have the ability to affect the bad cholesterol positively, boosting heart health and overall well being.  Reduce Toxicity Given the diuretic properties of rose apples, they are...

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Red cabbage has 10 times more vitamin A and twice as much iron as green cabbage. Regular intake of red cabbage will help you to remain healthy and active.  Premature Aging Numerous features of red cabbage make it ideal for making you young. Different antioxidants that are present in Red cabbage help to protect you from effect of free radicals in terms of serious disease. Apart from that it will also help to reduce the ageing sign which occur because of free radicals. It also helps to keep skin tight, fresh and flexible, reduce age spots and wrinkles which occur...

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Green onions, like several onion types, consist of effective ingredients which scientists think might help combat cancer along with other illnesses. Green onions have got a gentle flavor which is not mind-boggling. Simply because they won’t control the taste of the dish, they’re widely used in preparing salads, sandwiches, soups as well as stir-fry dishes. Green onions could be consumed raw or even cooked.  Reduce inflammation The compounds liable for the powerful aroma of green onions can also be what offer a number of the greatest health advantages green onions provide. Onions consist of allyl propyl disulphide, which has been...

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