Health benefits of Red cabbage

Health benefits of Red cabbage

Red cabbage has 10 times more vitamin A and twice as much iron as green cabbage. Regular intake of red cabbage will help you to remain healthy and active.

 Premature Aging

Numerous features of red cabbage make it ideal for making you young. Different antioxidants that are present in Red cabbage help to protect you from effect of free radicals in terms of serious disease. Apart from that it will also help to reduce the ageing sign which occur because of free radicals. It also helps to keep skin tight, fresh and flexible, reduce age spots and wrinkles which occur as we grow old. Additionally considerable amount of vitamin A present in Red cabbage is valuable for regrowth of skin cells, skin health, protection from sun damage and elasticity of the skin.

 Eye Health

Vitamin A is not only good for your skin, but also for eyes. Macular degeneration and cataract formation can be prevented with the regular consumption of Vitamin A rich foods regularly. Vitamin A can also be converted into beta carotene that is essential for sustaining eye health as you grow old.

Bone Mineral Density

High concentration of certain minerals present in red cabbage makes it one of the best vegetable options to guarantee healthy bone growth and development. Red cabbage consists of considerable amount of magnesium, calcium, manganese as well other essential minerals which are essential for proper growth and development of bones and also prevents many bone related problems like arthritis, osteoporosis and various types of inflammation.

Sugar level

Red cabbage consists of considerable amount of manganese that showed efficiency in controlling the level of sugar which further prevents the incidence of certain diseases like diabetes. Manganese regularizes insulin synthesis and secretion, and the unpredictable drops in blood sugar can be better regulated, offering normal and practical life for diabetics.

Regularizes bowel movements

Red cabbage consists of Dietary fiber which helps to boosts the weight and size of stool and softens it. Large stool is easier to pass, lessening the chance of constipation. In case you have watery stools, fiber helps to solidify the stool since it absorbs water and adds bulk to stool.