Health Benefits of Java Apple (Rose Apple)

Health Benefits of Java Apple (Rose Apple)

Although research is limited, some very important health benefits have been related with this unusual fruit. Let’s take a closer look at them.

 Good for LDL cholesterol

‘Bad cholesterol’ or low-density lipoprotein can lead to a buildup of fatty, waxy deposits in your arteries and puts your heart at risk. Cardiovascular complications associated with high levels of LDL cholesterol include strokes and coronary heart diseases. However, the nutrients and fiber in rose apples have the ability to affect the bad cholesterol positively, boosting heart health and overall well being.

 Reduce Toxicity

Given the diuretic properties of rose apples, they are traditionally used in many decoction to clear liver and kidney toxins effectively. Toxic chemicals in the body can lead to serious health issues like heart diseases, cancer, and arthritis. Water apples can remove toxic substances from the body, thus boosting the overall health and well-being of a person.

 Boost Immunity

Active and volatile components in rose apple have been associated to having antimicrobial and anti-fungal effects. Research has shown that it can protect the skin from developing various infections and can boost the strength of the immune system against infectious diseases. 

 Control Diabetes

Jambosine is a type of alkaloid, found in rose apples, and has shown promising results in blocking or regulating the conversion of starch into sugar. This could be a very important development for someone already living with diabetes and those at risk of developing this condition. Further research is ongoing about the impact of jambosine on blood sugar control. Traditionally, an infusion of roasted seed powder was said to be helpful against diabetes.

 Beneficial for skin

Skin is the biggest organ of our body. Rose apples have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat skin conditions such as acne vulgaris. Skin infections can also be treated by leaves of rose apple plant. Rose apples are also believed to have preventive actions on skin infections. Anti-oxidants in rose apples to help in maintaining optimal skin health by reducing the damage caused by stress, pollution, and poor diet. Eating water apples frequently can give you soft and supple skin, and get rid of wrinkles.

In a study for Java apple leaves, it was found to have rich cosmeceutical properties. Leaf extract was found to be rich in phenolic compounds that are protective against free radicals. Further research could make it one of the important ingredients in the skin care cosmetic products.

 Maintains a Healthy Heart

Regular consumption of rose apples also helps maintains a healthy heart by moderating the blood cholesterol level. Flesh of apples such as water apple contains natural phytochemicals, epicatechin that contributes greatly in lowering high blood pressure which can lead to stroke and other heart diseases.This point has been supported by several scientific researches that were carried out to compare rose apples and satin on the effects of blood cholesterol. Eating rose apples daily helps to improve the metabolism of the heart and prevent certain heart problems.

 Good for Pregnant Women

Essential minerals and vitamins that are good for pregnant women are present in rose apples. During pregnancy, there are unavoidable health conditions such as nausea and vomiting which can cause dehydration during pregnancy; water apples help to keep them hydrated.

 Maintain Healthy Bones and Teeth

The plant is necessary for bone health because they contain calcium to a certain percentage (29 mg of calcium according to research) which helps to maintain healthy teeth and bones as well as prevent osteoporosis. Magnesium, phosphorus and potassium that all play vital roles in the bone formation and keeping healthy teeth are also present in reasonable amounts.