Health Benefits of Hops Essential Oil

Health Benefits of Hops Essential Oil

1. Respiratory Issues

Inflammation and irritation are the most common reasons for respiratory distress, using aromatherapy with hops essential oil can help to soothe those irritated parts of your respiratory tract and reduce inflammation, thereby reducing coughing and congestion.

2. Pain Relief

Hops essential oil can provide general sedative qualities, which is why people who suffer from chronic pain of all varieties have turned to hops essential oil in the past. This general sedative quality of hops essential oil is famous and is commonly used by people suffering from anxiety and mood swings, as it can help to settle stormy minds and calm the body.

3. Menstrual Cramping and Pain

For females, hops essential oil has been linked to a reduction in menstrual pain and cramping, which can be quite severe. Again, the sedative qualities that loosen the muscles and reduce pain are the main reason for this useful application of the essential oil.

4. Skin Health

Hops essential oil is known as a natural remedy for psoriasis and skin irritation. The calming nature of hops essential oil functions as an anti-inflammatory and antiviral agent to protect your skin from any possible infections or irritants.

5. Sleep and Insomnia

Those same sedative qualities make hops essential oil the perfect addition to a treatment for insomnia or sleeplessness. Hops essential oil can be diffused while sleeping and enhance the depth and quality of your slumber so you wake feeling refreshed and energized.

6. Hair Health

When used in combination with other natural oils on the hair, hops essential oil can improve the sheen and strength of the hair because of its strong volatile components that interact with hair follicles and natural oils to improve the appearance and health of your hair.

7. Headache Relief

Hops essential oil is quite important and effective for tension and headaches. The relaxing effects of this essential oil can loosen even the tightest muscles in your shoulders and neck, while also easing your anxiety and calming your mind, allowing for peaceful, headache-free days following a night of aromatic diffusion.